Welcome to my blog! This a very quick introduction and insight into what type of content my blog will include.
In this section, I will share lots of information regarding various aspects of my fishing. This may include things such as notable sessions, new items of tackle I'm trying, or tactics that I find help me catch more fish. Most of the posts will focus on lure fishing for saltwater species, but I will also include my fishing endeavours for other species, both fresh and saltwater. This may be anything from estuary fishing for giltheads to float fishing for chub, or lure fishing for pike.
Currently, my main focus is my University studies. However, I am very fortunate in that I am within a 15 minute walk of the sea, so I can still go fishing fairly regularly. In periods when I am unable to go fishing, I will focus my blog posts on tackle related features, or sessions that I had in the recent past that were particularly interesting or successful.
I hope you enjoy this blog and its content, and find something useful from it that may help you improve your fishing success. If there is anything that you would like me to talk about, or you have any suggestions about my website or this page in general, then please do not hesitate to contact me (you can do easily at the bottom of each page). If wish you to subscribe to my blog, you can do so on the homepage (its completely free!!- it just means you will get an email alerting you that I have released a new post). Thank you!